Here Is The Bible And All Religions And Spiritual Systems

The History, Prophecy, Principle First off, there is a Spirit Dimension: we were all spirits before becoming flesh in the earth! The Creation: the Eternal Father and His Angels (Eternal Exalted Beings) construct the universe and earth His children will preside during their trial run in the flesh or as human beings. Adam and Eve […]

The Troubles and Affliction of the Children of Akobe: Exodus 1

As we continue the story and attempt to iron out the unprofitable lies, we go with the family of Akobe into the land of Egypt. Abram, Akobe’s grandfather dwelled in Egypt for a time and now there dwelled the great man himself, Akobe. He was accompanied by his children and their households. Among his children […]

The Emotional Mourning of Akobe’s Passing: Genesis 50

Thus, in the vast and vibrant lands of Egypt, a great man named Yosef found himself at the crossroads of sorrow and legacy. As the sun cast its warm glow upon the land, Yosef’s heart brimmed with a mixture of sadness and determination. With tears streaming down his face, Yosef tenderly embraced his beloved father, […]

Akobe Endows and Prophesies Over His Sons Genesis 49

News spread among the family of Akobe that Akobe would depart the earthly realm any day. The sons of Akobe were gathered to look into the Will and Testament of their Father and the prophetic words he would speak over them. This is a father observing his children for years, and Divine inspiration from the […]

Akobe Enriches Yosef’s Sons Efraim and Manasse: Genesis 48

In the vibrant lands of the Egyptian empire, the revered elder Akobe came to live with his long-lost son, Yosef. Yosef, thought to have been deceased had in fact become the viceroy of Egypt. From the lands of West Africa, Padan Aram, came to Abram to the fields of Canaan, southern Africa, promised to him […]

Yosef and His Brothers Continued: Genesis 39-47

Genesis 39: In the land of Egypt, there was a man named Yosef, a descendant of Akobe (Jacob). He was sold as a slave by his jealous brothers to a wealthy Egyptian named Potiphar. Yosef served in Potiphar’s house with great diligence, and the Great Creator enriched all that he did. Potiphar recognized Yosef’s talents […]

Life in Shechem Gets Weird (Genesis 34)

  While in the land of Canaan, in Shechem, the family of Akobe began to situate themselves in the land. Akobe had many sons but only one daughter named Dina; she was a beautiful and strong-willed young woman. One day, as the children of Akobe were living peacefully, the neighboring Canaanites were among them in […]

The Reunion of the Sons of Isaaka (Genesis 33)

So later that day Jacob (Akobe) met Esau coming with his 400 men. Jacob told his children to walk with their mothers. The two servant women, Zilpa and Bilha, together with their children went first, followed by Lea and her children, then by Rachel and Yosef. Akobe himself walked in front of them all, bowing […]

Akobe Flees from Laban (Genesis 31)

Jacob’s stay with his uncle Laban had not been entirely pleasant. Laban’s sons had accused Jacob (Akobe) of stealing their father’s property and were envious of Jacob’s success. When Akobe saw that Laban’s attitude towards him had changed, he sought the Creator’s guidance, and the Great Spirit spoke to him, telling him to return to […]

Jacob (Akobe) Arrives in Padan Aram

Right off the back, we have to uncover some minor unprofitable lies in this, Genesis 29 chapter. Observe: In the Contemporary English Version, it is written: “As Jacob continued on his way to the east (Genesis 29:1).” Other translations also declare Akobe came into the land of the east; even King James says he went […]