Blessings and welcome to, an extension of (BSM). We believe the Bible is one integrated story that leads to Yashaya the Holy Messiah (Jesus Christ), and the Kingdom given to Him to rule on Earth.
His Kingdom will be ruled by Him with His Royal Family. We also acknowledge that the Bible has profound practical wisdom, bound in the principles, history, and prophecy of the scriptures, which we all can use as we journey towards this Kingdom together.
It is true, the entire bible points to one simple reality, there will be a kingdom of the Great Creator governed by the Holy Messiah, King of kings. The prophets and disciples both looked forward to the day when the Most-High Creator of all things would set and establish His Kingdom on the earth.
To understand all of this and begin living it, we have to make a practice of learning, studying, and practicing the ways written in the Holy Scriptures. This is where we (and people like us) come into play.
BibleStudyMinistry (BSM) is an online Bible study supplement source. We are readers, students, teachers, and ministers (stewards) of the ALMIGHTY proclaiming the Kingdom of the Greator Creator (God). However, this sub-site is totally focused on teaching and unbraiding unprofitable lies, fed to us by the Beast system.
How to Make Best Use of This Site?
To make the best use of our website, just study it thoroughly.
Consistent study with Bible Study Ministry (BSM) will give you a healthy perspective on the history of the Church (Ecclesia), will help you live meaningfully and purposefully today, and give you an inside view of the future government, very few have a handle on.
The MOST-HIGH enrich you in the name of HIS beloved Son, Yashaya… Don’t forget – get on our newsletter and study with us and stay in front of news events that are prophetic.
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