The Emotional Mourning of Akobe’s Passing: Genesis 50

Thus, in the vast and vibrant lands of Egypt, a great man named Yosef found himself at the crossroads of sorrow and legacy. As the sun cast its warm glow upon the land, Yosef’s heart brimmed with a mixture of sadness and determination.

With tears streaming down his face, Yosef tenderly embraced his beloved father, Akobe, and pressed a kiss upon his forehead. The weight of his father’s passing hung heavy in the air, and Yosef knew it was his duty to honor his father’s final desire.

Although younger than all of his brothers with the exception of Benyamin, Yosef had been endowed as a family head and authority of the birthright enrichment. Although his brother Yawada would carry the future scepter, Yosef, being the viceroy of Egypt would orchestrate the going home ceremony of his father, Akobe.

Plans for the HomeGoing Ceremony

Summoning his faithful servants, Yosef commanded the skilled physicians of Egypt to embalm his father’s body, ensuring that Akobe would be preserved with the utmost care and respect. For forty days and nights, the dedicated physicians diligently performed their sacred tasks, paying homage to the ancient customs and traditions.

Throughout the land of Egypt, a profound sense of mourning descended. The Egyptians, known for their deep reverence for the departed, mourned for a full seventy days, honoring the memory of the great Akobe. The streets echoed with lamentations, and the air was heavy with sorrow.

As the mourning period drew to a close, Yosef, a man of great influence and wisdom in Egypt, approached the mighty Pharaoh’s palace. With grace and humility, he spoke to the house of Pharaoh, seeking their favor and permission to fulfill his father’s final request.

Yosef Meets with Pharaoh Sensuret II

Great Pharaoh, my father,” Yosef implored, “made me vow that I would lay him to rest in the land of Canaan, where his ancestors rest. Grant me leave, I beg, to honor his desires and bury him in the land of Canaan, so that he may find eternal peace.”

Pharaoh, recognizing Yosef’s righteousness, granted his request without hesitation. “Go, Yosef,” Pharaoh spoke, his voice resolute. “Carry out your duty and lay your father to rest as he desired.”

Yosef, accompanied by a vast entourage of Pharaoh’s servants, set forth on a poignant journey. Chariots and horsemen joined the solemn procession as they made their way towards the threshing floor of Atad, a sacred site beyond the Jordan River.

Abel-Mizraim the Canaanites Said

There, amid the golden fields, they mourned with great intensity, their cries of anguish piercing the sky. The Canaanites, witnessing the profound grief of the Egyptians, were moved by their display of emotion and named the place Abel-Mizraim, which means “the great mourning of the Egyptians.”

In accordance with Akobe’s instructions, Yosef’s brothers fulfilled their sacred duty. They made the long journey from the north of the land of Shem in Egypt to the south, Canaanland, as they carried their father’s body across the border into the land of Canaan, laying him to rest in the hallowed cave of Machpela, a cave Abram had purchased. It was the final resting place of their ancestors, a sanctuary of eternal peace.

Back to Egypt from Canaan in the South

Yosef returned to Egypt, accompanied by his devoted brothers and all who had joined him on this solemn pilgrimage. Yet, as they settled back into their lives, a gnawing fear crept into the hearts of Yosef’s brothers. Would he seek revenge for the hardships they had inflicted upon him in the past?

Filled with trepidation, the brothers sent a messenger to Yosef, humbly imploring his forgiveness. They spoke of their father’s dying wish, acknowledging their past wrongdoing and pleading for mercy.

Moved to tears by their genuine remorse, Yosef reassured them, “Fear not, my brothers, for I am not the judge appointed by the Great Creator. It was not your actions, but the divine plan that brought me here. The Great Creator turned the evil you intended into good, saving countless lives.”

Yosef Prophesies

Yosef verbalized and displayed an amazing amount and account of love, compassion, mercy, and comprehension of the Eternal Father’s desires for His children.

With words of comfort and kindness, Yosef embraced his brothers, quashing their fears and assuring them of his benevolence. He promised to provide for them and their children, nurturing them as a guardian would. The wounds of the past began to heal as love and forgiveness prevailed.

Years passed, and Yosef lived a full and prosperous life in Egypt, surrounded by his father’s house and the blessings of his people. He witnessed the growth of Efraim’s children, the third generation to bask in his love and wisdom.

Yosef’s Passing and Prophetic Words

As his final days approached, Yosef gathered his brothers and spoke with unwavering faith, “I shall soon depart from this world, but fear not, for the Great Creator will surely fulfill His promise. He will guide you out of this land and lead you to the cherished homeland He pledged to our ancestors, Abramshem, Isaaka, and Akobe.”

Deeply aware of the significance of their journey, Yosef made a solemn oath. “Carry my bones with you out of Egypt when the time comes,” he implored his descendants, ensuring that his connection to their shared heritage would endure beyond his passing.

And so, as Yosef’s final breath escaped his lips, his body was lovingly embalmed and placed in a sacred coffin, nestled within the embrace of Egypt’s soil.

Conclusion of Genesis Unprofitable Lies

The tale of Yosef, his noble journey, and the triumph of forgiveness echoed through the ages. It served as a testament to the enduring power of family, faith, and the redemption that blooms from the seeds of compassion, mercy, longsuffering, and understanding. Ideally, through the story of Yosef and his brothers, we are able to virtually embrace the actions of a man engulfed in the fruits of the spirit of the Great Creator.

This is the end of the book of Genesis and so we are not so consumed by the emotions of Yosef’s great acts to his brothers, let us return to the theme. Unprofitable inherited lies are the theme; this story geographically takes place in Egypt. When they leave to bury Akobe in the land of Canaan, we have been conditioned to believe they journeyed from Egypt to the Levant.

However, to leave Egypt and go south, as Abram the forefather did in Genesis 13:1 when he traveled back to the land of Canaan obviously takes us into the central and southern parts of the great continent, of Africa. And we have so learned that Africa is the Land of Shem. Stay tuned as we go into Egypt in the book of Exodus and come out by the hand of Moses through the Power of the Great Spirit.

Yosef and his brothers discuss the travel plans to return Akobe’s tabernacle back to the land of Canaan.

To be continued…

Minister Koko


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With all love and Spiritual regards

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