Moses Instructed to Warn Pharaoh: Exodus 8

The Great Spirit continued and spoke to Moses, saying, “Go to Pharaoh and deliver this message: Thus saith the Great Spirit, ‘Let my people go, that they may serve me.’” But if Pharaoh refuses to let them go, I will bring forth a plague of frogs upon his borders. These frogs shall emerge from the […]

The First Tasks Against Pharaoh’s Egypt: Exodus 7

The Great Spirit continued speaking to Moses, saying, “Look here, I have made you a divine figure to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you, and Aaron shall convey my words to Pharaoh, demanding that he release the children of Israel from his land.” This […]

Aaron and Moses Meet with Pharaoh King of Egypt: Exodus 5

In the annals of ancient Africa, the land of Shem, Moses, and Aaron stood before Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt. They spoke in the name of the Great Creator of Akobe, demanding, “Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness.” Pharaoh, filled with arrogance, questioned the authority of […]

Moses Empowered and Prepared for Mission in Egypt: Exodus 4

In the realm of ancient Africa, the story of Moses unfolded. Doubt clouded his heart as he pondered the words of the Great Spirit. “They will not believe me,” he said, fearing that his voice would go unheard. The Great Spirit, in His wisdom, asked Moses, “What is that you hold in your hand?” Moses […]

The Troubles and Affliction of the Children of Akobe: Exodus 1

As we continue the story and attempt to iron out the unprofitable lies, we go with the family of Akobe into the land of Egypt. Abram, Akobe’s grandfather dwelled in Egypt for a time and now there dwelled the great man himself, Akobe. He was accompanied by his children and their households. Among his children […]