Akobe Flees from Laban (Genesis 31)

Jacob’s stay with his uncle Laban had not been entirely pleasant. Laban’s sons had accused Jacob (Akobe) of stealing their father’s property and were envious of Jacob’s success. When Akobe saw that Laban’s attitude towards him had changed, he sought the Creator’s guidance, and the Great Spirit spoke to him, telling him to return to the land of his fathers.

Akobe then called Rachel and Lea to the field where he was tending his flock and spoke to them. He reminded them of all the hard work he had done for their father. He also reminded them how Laban had changed his wages ten times. Ultimately, he told the daughters of Laban it was time to go (Note he didn’t tell his wives to get up, “we’re leaving,” instead he spoke to them to get their approval and support).

Although Laban had dealt badly with him, the Great Creator had protected him, and he had prospered, even though Laban had cheated him. All the cattle that had been promised to him were given to him by the Eternal Father, and even when Laban tried to deceive him, the Creator made sure that he was not hurt.

Cattle Hustle

Akobe went on to tell Rachel and Leah about a dream he had where he saw the rams leaping on the cattle and noticed that they were ringstraked, speckled, and grisled. The angel of the Great Creator appeared to him in the dream and told him that Laban was trying to deceive him, but the Creator was with him, and he would prosper.

Jacob then decided to leave Laban’s house compound (today it is in what we would call modern-day Nigeria-Cameroon), and return to his homeland (today we’d called Namibia-South Africa). Rachel and Leah supported his decision, and they agreed to go with him. They were bitter that their father had sold them and consumed their money, and they felt like strangers in their own homes.

Akobe then left with his family and all his possessions, which included the cattle he had earned in Padan-Aram (the fields of Aram). Meanwhile, Laban had gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel took the opportunity to steal her father’s idols. These are the same idol worship that drove Abram to leave West Africa and the Chaldeans and relocate to the land promised to him by the Great Spirit.

African Benin Art
Artwork like these became symbolic and actual gods to many of the children of Shem

Akobe left without informing Laban out of anxiety, but when Laban found out, he pursued him, indicting him for stealing his gods.

The story of Jacob’s departure from Laban’s house illustrates the importance of relying on the Great Creator for guidance and protection. Even when others try to deceive us, we can trust that the Eternal Father will be with us and help us to prosper.

It also shows the complexities of family relationships and how they can be strained by greed and jealousy. Despite the challenges, Akobe was able to leave Laban’s house with his family and possessions intact and continue on his journey back toward his destiny, the land of his fathers.

From a historical perspective, we have placed this event in the right land, Africa (the land of Shem). We also understand some divine principles as it pertains to trust in the Creator, faith, and obeying His voice. This must be the case, even if it may let down family members or other people of influence. Akobe obviously had to eventually break away from his father-in-law/uncle’s misuse and treatment of him.

Prophetically, Akobe was told by the Great Spirit that he would be guided all the way back home. His job was the same as our job today, trust and have faith in the Word of the Great Spirit. History, principle, and prophecy uncover inherited unprofitable lies.

Dig them up.

Minister Koko



(Tell a friend about us, about the movement for truth and righteousness, all for a better world community)

With all love and Spiritual regards

4 thoughts on “Akobe Flees from Laban (Genesis 31)

  1. This is an eye opening message. I never hear any religion group preaching where the real dwelling place for Leban and Adobe dwelled.

    Religion never told us that Avram place was West Africa. And the land of Shem was Africa.

    Please could you clarify more on this and also email me if you have any documents supporting this and also if you have the old ancient map.

    Thank you and hope to hear from you again .


    1. Greetings Joyce, I will email you. This is what we are attempting to put into the Abantu Research and Study Bible because inquiries are going through the roof. Unfortunately, we’ve been spoonfed bogus history to cover up the real story. I can give you ancient maps, bear with me because there is so much to uncover and not enough people like you and I willing to dig through the rubble.

      Minister Koko

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