War Among the Kings of Africa (Genesis 14)

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Here we go again. Welcome back to Unprofitable Lies, part 5. We left off where Abram was sent out of Egypt. Let’s recap from the flood, they got out of the Ark and were commanded to be abundant and multiply in the land. They got out and began doing that through Shem, Ham, Japheth, and their wives.

Among the children of Japheth through his son Cush, Amraphel or Nimrod appointed himself leader. He built a great city and attempted to build a great tower.

This plan was stomped by the Great Spirit and thus they began to disperse from Sennar, which biblically is Shinar, which is modern-day Sudan (much troubles going on there present-day (4-22-23), prayers for the saints there today). Abram left Mesopotamia and went to Bethel, where a famine caused him to go to Egypt. He left Egypt and headed south, according to the scripture.

Before we continue, Strong’s Lexicon NASB (New American Standard Bible) translated Genesis 13:1 as this; So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, he and his wife and all that belonged to him, and Lot with him.

The Negev is in Strong’s Concordance as Negeb (5045), meaning south country, or south. Some “scholars” attempted to attribute Negeb-Negev to mean “Southern Judah.” However, Brown-Driver-Briggs all said the Negev is the south country, specifically the region south of Judah or the land south of Babylon. We say, remember the simplicity in Christ or the Messia. Abram went south from Egypt so deductively he went into the southern countries. K-I-S, keep it simple.

Now, into Genesis chapter 14 we go, dismissing unprofitable lies.

An interesting event took place as Abram was settling into the southern country of Bethel (South in relation to Egypt). In the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations, these four kings made war with Bera king of Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (Zoar).

After twelve years of servitude, the five kings rebelled and Chedorlaomer and the other three kings smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, the Zuzims in Ham, the Emins in Shaveh Kiriathaim, and the Horites in their mount Seir, unto Elparan.

When the five kings heard of this, they met at the vale of Siddim (the salt sea). Chedorlaomer and the four other kings defeated the five kings in battle and took all their goods with them. They also happened to take a valuable person to Abram, Lot, Abram’s brother’s son.

Abram heard of this and armed three hundred and eighteen of his trained servants and pursued them to Damascus. He divided himself against them and smote them, bringing back all the goods and people, including Lot.

Remember the Land of Sennar

Before we get any further in this chapter, we should be reminded that the land of Shinar is anciently called the land of Sennar. Today that land base is called Sudan. Amraphel is Nimrod himself or a successor to Nimrod, like a son. Sources say it was Nimrod. He was the king of Shinar (Sennar).

Arioch, the king of Ellasar, is more than likely from what we’d call our modern-day, Morocco. He was a vassal king to either Amraphel or Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam. Elam is our modern-day Tunisia. Chedorlaomer would the chief of these kings as he’d recently defeated Amraphel to become the chief kingdom in the north.

For a visual, this is what we are working with:

These four kings were ready to deal with the rebellion from the five kings of the south. Before we go to the five kings of the south, these kings of the north are sons of Japheth and Shem, working together. Amraphel, who is Nimrod, is a son of Cush. Chedorlaomer is a son of Shem, even Shem’s son Elam.

Tidal and Arioch also preside over Shemetic nations or land bases. They are going to war with Bera, king of Sodom, Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, ShemEber, king of Zeboiim, and Zoar, king of Bela (which eventually had the name changed to Zoar, after its king).

Let me help you!

Remember when Abram returned to Bethel from Egypt? He and his nephew Lot had a possessions issue between their herdsmen. Remember that? Good, the scriptures below should refresh.

Genesis 13:

5 And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents.

6 And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great so that they could not dwell together.

7 And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdmen of Lot’s cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land.

Abram settled it by agreeing to separate from each other and gave Lot the first choice. Where did Lot choose?

10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar.

11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

He says all the plain of Jordan; was well watered. The plain of Jordan is where Sodom and Gomorrah are or nearby. And it was to the east of where Abram dwelled. Abram dwelled in Canaan, in Bethel, which we have identified as modern-day Namibia. He also had a tent further south in what we call today Cape Town, South Africa.

So Abram is west, and Lot is east.

11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

12 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent toward Sodom.

Lot lived in the cities of the plain (of Jordan) and built his tent toward Sodom.

Lot went east, so this probably has him near Lesotho, maybe even as north as Zimbabwe.

These areas would cover Sodom and Gomorrah. Why did I need to help you? Back in Genesis 14 the war of the kings, since we know where Abram and Lot were, we have a better idea of where the kings Bera and Birsha ruled from.

Genesis 14

2 That these made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar.

Bera and Birsha ruled in the eastern side of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, and so forth. These are then the kings of the south. And just like we saw with the kings up north, it does not make them Canaanite kings.

This is what we mean; in the book of Jasher, this is written:

Jasher 10:35. And in the second year after the tower a man from the house of Ashur, whose name was Bela, went from the land of Ninevah to sojourn with his household wherever he could find a place; and they came until opposite the cities of the plain against Sodom, and they dwelt there.

Bela is from Asshur, which makes him a son of Shem. He left Nineveh and built a city in the south, opposite from where they were, north. They ended up in or around Sodom, where he ruled.

Therefore, Bera, Birsha, Shinab, and ShemEber very well could be Canaanites, but Bela was from Asshur, the son of Shem. Thus these kings are primarily sons of Japheth, living in Canaan, but the sons of Shem are also there.

Shinab, king of Admah (which we believe is the city of Adam from Joshua 3:16), may have been a Cushitic or Shemetic “puppet” king ruling the Canaanite people, who sent tribute money to the northern kings. This also means Bera and Birsha could have been from Cush like Nimrod (Amraphel), or even from Shem, but decided to break away from being under Amraphel and Chedorlaomer.

Japheth will dwell in the lands of Shem.

Mizraim, Phut, Cush, and Canaan are the sons who live on the land. We showed (earlier) how the sons of Japheth are written to dwell in the tents or on the lands of Shem. Africa, as we call it today, is the land of Shem. This brings us to the next king, Shemeber (if you say it slowly, but really it is Shem-Eber), king of Zeboiim. His name is Shem-of-Eber, clearly, the scribe is showing that he is from the lineage of Shem via Eber. Yet, another possible Shemetic king living and ruling in Canaan.

What this means is that the ancient “African” kings were not trying to rule by family or tribe, but they were simply trying to rule period. They made alliances with whomever they could and built cities, militaries, etc., all in the name of money, power, and legacy. They did not have a hard or harsh stance on making sure Japheth or Shem, Cush, or Elam ruled. They simply wanted to be in play.

Minister Koko

BSM Team


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* We’re rewriting history right before your eyes, correcting unprofitable, inherited lies. Africa is the Land of Shem, and the Abantu Research and Study Bible will be available soon for a select group of people who want to support the research and findings.

Join our email list at www.BibleStudyMinistry.com so you are alerted when these books are available, to prove what we’re saying about Africa being the land of Shem, and secure your limited copy.

May the Great Creator’s peace be upon you.


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